Chapter 5  Miri’s Mystical Practices

In case you would like to experience some of Miri’s mystical practices to imagine union with the Divine, in an inner child way, we have brought them over from the original website.

Meditation On The Lap of Jesus

“Allow the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven”   Matthew 10:14

Close your eyes and allow your breathing to become slow and rhythmic………….
Imagine energy from earth, coming up through your feet, up your legs, then into your lower torso. …………..

Keep your breathing deep, slow, rhythmic, and relaxed. Feel earth’s energy moving through your upper torso, down your arms, into your hands and fingers…………..

Now let the energy flow into your neck and fill your head…………..

Keep breathing, feeling your shoulders relaxed, and light coming through the top of your head, flowing through your whole body and down through the earth.
Now imagine you see Jesus sitting on a chair………………

You realize you are your 3 year old child, and Jesus is inviting you to sit on his lap……………….

You climb up and rest in his lap, your little legs and feet not even reaching his knees………………

You are very small, and nestle back into His body………………

First you feel the warmth of His chest against your back and notice how safe you feel……………….

In a few moments you can feel His slow, rhythmic breathing, and you realize you have entrained your breath to His……………….

You feel yourself embraced by His Presence………………

Then, you notice His heartbeat, perfect and strong……………….

Soon your heart is beating with His……………….

Focus on the hearts beating together……………….

You feel  yourself melting into Jesus, as your breathing and heartbeats and bodies become one………………

Stay there as long as you like………………
And when it’s time to slip off His lap, Jesus tells you that He not only lives in your heart and body and surrounds you, but you also live in Him. “I will never leave you or forsake you.”    Hebrews 13:5
P. S. This is a great way to fall asleep.


Ginger Bread Cookie

A Meditation:
Part I

Sit comfortably and allow your jaw to drop, your shoulders to drop, feel yourself heavy on the chair and allow the energy to run down through your feet and on into the earth……………

Notice your breathing and allow it to become slow, deep, and rhythmic……………

When you’re ready, allow yourself to gently imagine that you are a gingerbread cookie……………

Check your whole body – head, upper torso, arms and hands, lower torso, and legs and feet. Then imagine, as you breathe in, that your feet are filling up with a tingly life energy that you can feel! Notice this feeling……………

Then allow this feeling to slowly move up your legs, lower torso, noticing your belly button and how key that spot is……………

Then on to your upper torso and especially your heart, feeling warmth and love there……………

Then on down your arms and hands and up to your neck and head, mouth, nose, ears, eyes, forehead, and top of head……………

Notice your whole body tingling! Enjoy your whole body feeling alive and maybe noting a little smile on your lips!……………

When you’re ready, look up and notice bright light, like sunshine, is flowing gently down to you and beginning to surround you…………….

It surrounds the top of your head, your whole head, arms and hands, then flows down and surrounds your lower torso, front, back, and both sides, then moves on down around both legs and feet until you are standing in this bright light……………

The light begins to expand and radiate from you in every direction. It extends so far it is infinite and eternal NOW……………

You rest, noticing that this Divine Energy and Light move in and out as you breathe and there is only Pure Supreme Love everywhere……………

Rest in this peace as long as you like. When you finish, stay in this reality as long as you can……………


Part II

After experiencing Part I for a few weeks, ask your inner child – especially your wounded child if she would like to do step II. But only do this if and as long as your wounded child consents.
After doing Part I, begin to notice the outer boundaries of the cookie dissolving, (You might want to do this in increments until your child feels safe to remove all the boundaries.) ……………

Do this in any order you would like, until all the borders around your body are dissolved……………

Go slowly and only do this as long as your wounded child is secure……………

When complete, feel this experience of the inner and outer you being one……………

Again, stay in this space as long as you can……………
Drink some water and ground yourself. How does it feel to move around in this reality?


Part III

After a few weeks of Part I and Part II you can add stardust.
Now that your child is knocking on the doors of eternity and infinity, you can begin to realize that your true – in the beginning – body is made of stardust and is beginning to appear!……………

Way back in memory, you remember knowing this, but NOW… NOW… this reality is returning to YOU! Gently allow yourself to notice your breathing and feel this stardust flowing in and filling your body. Slowly, gently with great beauty, you feel your whole body as stardust……………

Looking up, you see the face of Jesus, as He takes your little hand and you are together … forever……………

Somehow you know you are in the Great Mystery and your heart understands perfectly. You are in Holy Peace with Him.

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