M. 1 Day 8 Visitors at TAO

Month 1 Day 8 Visitors at TAO

August 2, 2019, Yesod Sepheroth, Galactic North
Friday, Red Galactic Dragon, Kin 21, Crown Chakra

Today a friend of mine left 10 little knit dolls here at the TAO.
They would have been in a bag in her garage until December, if Miri had not invited them to stay here!

This is part of a project that my friend will write more about soon. In the meantime, we will be privileged to have many more little girl and boy dolls awaiting departure as a gift.

We will put them in the “Friends Gallery, too. ****** link to TAO Gallery Section.

This is the little Dollie that Miri picked out from the 10 dolls. My friend needed to take a picture of all of them, and Miri had a hard time letting go of her. It was then, that my friend said it could spend the weekend here. And of course, when we heard that the dolls would be in a bag in her garage until December, that seemed intolerable! Thus it is that we will have many visitors until December, as more and more dolls are created as gifts, and waiting to be sent to their new friends!

These are the 6 girl dolls.

These are the 4 boy dolls.

Here is a picture of Bunny (pink) holding Funny Bunny (white)
And Honey Bunny (lavender) and 2 girl dolls. To the left are 2 couples of boy/girl dolls balanced by 4 dolls on the right.
Doesn’t Pink Bunny (I call her “Pachamama”) look like a Native American Story Teller? A Grey Hair?

Well, once the other residents of the TAO Humor Center heard we had many guests, they naturally came to meet them. Then they all wanted their picture taken together.

I have never done group photography before. All the adjustments that had to be done! Papa Schaffer wanted his foot more securely on the sofa. Penny Peacock wanted her feathers just right. The dragons book fell on the floor. Pink Bunny wanted her “eardo” (Like Hairdo!) and Yeshua the Gypsy Violinist’s nose kept itching. We finally settled down and realized we were just having fun. It didn’t have to be perfect!