Month 3 Day 23 Dual Animated Middle Pillar

October 12, 2018, Galactic Middle Pillar, Tiferet Sepheroth
Friday, Blue Cosmic Hand, Kin 247, Root Chakra


image Upside Down Kabbalah

Upside Down Kabbalah

This month, we have focused on various juxtapositions of the multidimensional Kabbalah to hope to begin to realize the immensity of our Source, God, Creator’s Supernal Power and Grandiosity. It leads me into knowing that I must live in what I call “Ain Soph” (Knowing I do not know.)

I am leaving most of the posts as diagrams pointing to possible understandings of Knowing beyond words. I believe we are at the point of being “Specialists”, meaning we are each putting our piece into the Cosmic Puzzle to complete our unified missions here. We are trusting each other that we know our part to do. The pieces, by necessity, look very different. “How could this piece have anything to do with that piece?” However, there is a trust that we only need to do our part, and the perfection of the Divine Plan is manifesting.

Therefore, I am just presenting some information that may help unify the WHOLE COSMIC COMPLETION.

By meditating on the dual animated Pillar, I can see easily how the 9, 10, 11, and 12 directions of the Galactic dimension or Tiferet Sepheroth all come together for 4 days. And in the Center, 23, both from above and below land on the exact same day. This helps me realize the strength of the center Sepheroth, Tiferet, and understand how it becomes the center point of the Merkabah. This point of centrality helps us with the Singleness Of Nondual Perception.

Next month we will have an animated diagram of that Divine Geometrical Design.

image Dual-Animated-Middle-Pillar

Dual Animated Middle Pillars