Chapter 4 Day 20 Improved Spirituality

February 26, 2018, Cosmic North, Keter Sepheroth
Monday, Blue Rhythmic Storm, Kin 19, Solar Plexus Chakra

Miriam and Miri: “This is a Fun Assignment!”

“O.K. Followers of the Inner Children’s Ascension Path, “ICAP”. When we say you, we mean your inner child and your adult self. Our inner child and our adult selves are often the ones that’s disagree the most! So, most of the time, we get an inner disagreement going on in our inner self, FIRST! And we like to blame it on the other guy!

So, this is an assignment for your adult self and inner child. Read this article and then what we wrote on The Mayan Calendar’s New Years Day this year (2017-2018). We will post your writings on our Website if you would like to share with others. Click this link to contact us.

Here a risqué Child’s joke. I hope we won’t offend you. This is Miri’s Favorite joke from Edison Grade School.”

“A cowboy went into a bar and sat down between 2 other cowboys. He was sitting there drinking and all of a sudden he turned to the cowboy on his right and said roughly, “Did you pee in my boot?” The cowboy replied, defensively, “No, I didn’t pee in your boot!”

Then the middle cowboy said to the cowboy on his left, ” Then YOU must have peed in my boot!” This is a logical thinking cowboy! The cowboy on the left said even more angrily “No! I didn’t pee in your boot!” Then the middle cowboy was really upset. One of the cowboys was a liar. But which one?

Before he chose which one he was going to punch in the nose, he looked ahead and THOUGHT!

Then he said to the bartender, still in an angry voice,  “Heck, it must have been an inside job!”

We hope we didn’t offend anyone.

“O.k., let’s see what you’ve got.
Remember as you read these two articles below, to ask “yourselves” both your Inner Child and Evolved Adult … these questions:

What are you thinking?
What are you feeling?
Where in your body are you feeling your feelings?
Do you feel physical sensations?
Where are they?
Does any part of your body hurt?
Does any part of your body feel happy? 
Do you feel released with some insights?”

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

7 Ways an Improved Spirituality is Emerging in the Western World.

SourcePushing the Tipping Point
by Phillip J. Watt, February 12, 2018

It really got out of hand in a rainbows-and-unicorns fashion for a while, at least for some. The Eastern philosophies were appropriated into a significantly distorted and unrealistic happy-fest, which left many newer and older spiritual seekers confused about some very simple concepts.

To begin, remember the saturation of lopsided new age memes that so many people were advocating over the last several years? Thankfully they have appeared to subside in intensity as many people begin to realize that denying the dark whilst deluding themselves with a false positivity just wasn’t working for them. Why thankfully? To put it bluntly, it was foolish. Impractical. It made little sense and just disconnected people further from not just themselves, but each other, and reality at large.

So in that light – or dark – let’s get on with 7 ways an improved spirituality is finally emerging on a wider scale.

1. Language is Colorful

Let’s start with the simple example of the ‘don’t say but’ meme. Some people believe that if you say ‘but’ it invalidates or undermines what comes before. Of course if you use it in specific ways it does ring true, ‘but’ when used in others it is completely warranted.

This comes down to semantics, which is the study of logic and meaning in language. You’ll see that it applies in the following examples too. And make no mistake, I haven’t identified the relevant contradictions just for the sake of doing so, it’s important because confused rationalisation can and has led to dysfunctional action.

Simply put, just because something doesn’t logically work or has a detrimental connotation in one context, doesn’t mean it applies in all others. In addition, there are most definitely circumstances where black and white implications arise from specific terminology, but there is also a rainbow of colors at use too.

And don’t forget; words are subtle spells. That’s why we call it ‘spelling’.

2. The Ego is Not the Enemy

Another example is the ‘kill the ego’ meme. As I’ve written about extensively (see here and here), the ego is simply a mechanism to experience our humanity. At its core, it is the ‘sense of self’:
“It’s an ally, not the enemy. What we should be doing is empowering and enlightening it, not pretending that it can transcend itself. If we believe that we should ‘overcome the ego’, then we’ve utilized our ego to form a judgement that is illogical, because without it there’s no context to believe anything in.”
Now of course an unhealthy, dysfunctional or outright psychotic ego that rests its identity only in separation, with no connection, is not a great way to design it. Or put another way, design ourselves. Alternatively, if we honor both the individual and interconnected aspects of our being, then we are more likely to become a more holistic, healthy and functional version of ourselves, which will result with providing a greater service to the outside world.

And one more thing: when we believe the ego is inherently bad, what does that say about our own humanity?

3. Intelligent Judgement

Another one is ‘don’t judge’. One cannot have thought critically enough if they believe that, especially because to come to that belief they had to do an assessment and come to a conclusion, otherwise known as a judgement. It’s inherently contradictory. I mean, if people want to delude themselves that’s entirely up to them, but I’ll assess-and-conclude how I want to thank you very much.

Sure, judging people’s behavior shouldn’t be done with the aim to make you believe you’re fundamentally better than them because after all, we’re all at our own unique stage of consciousness development and we all have the potential to grow into a more empowered and enlightened being. But that doesn’t mean we needn’t determine if we resonate with those around us or not, and that means we need to analyze how people affect us. We also need to determine what to eat to be healthy, what we want to do in life, how we personally need to heal and grow, what’s actually happening in reality etc.

How do we do that? We assess and conclude. Or put another way, we make judgements, which hopefully are wise and evolving ones:
“Judgment is considered to be a selfish behavior in our society, however what this is truly referring to is the condemnation of people or their particular behaviors and values. (Yet), passing judgment on the world around us is a perfectly natural aspect of being human. We continually assess our environment and form opinions on whether we are safe, what response we should have and if we personally resonate with the energy of each given life circumstance.”

4. Separateness and Connectedness Coexist

Then of course there is the ridiculous concept that we are only one thing, and not separate on any level. How seriously counter-intuitive is that? Every single person who believes that nonsense has spent however many years having a very personal and individual experience, but somehow they’ve reached the conclusion – through judgement – that separation is nothing but an illusion. It’s mind-boggling.

Now of course we are connected at the most fundamental levels, at least in this particular construct of manifestation, meaning that our separation or individuality could be viewed as illusory from those levels. Whether we look through the lenses of metaphysics, cosmology, quantum physics, geometry, mathematics or ecology, it’s safe to say that there is a distinct pattern of interconnectedness. Yet that doesn’t mean that we aren’t having a unique experience. After all, why can’t both frequencies be real?

Think about it this way. Using contemporary tech fashion, the blockchain used for cryptocurrencies and cryptoservices (putting aside whether they’re a genuine decentralisation tool or not) is based on many ‘separate’ nodes or computers which are linked into the ‘one’ network. Or to use more spiritual terminology, we are an individual snapshot of infinite consciousness.

5. Destiny and Freewill Coexist

Now we have arrived at the ‘everything is meant to be’ absurdity. When we think critically about this concept, it inherently implies there is no freewill. Now of course our decision-making capacity is limited to a series of boundaries (such as current constructual, neurological and conceptual frameworks relevant to each of us), however we still have the agency to navigate through it as we wish.

Try and conceptualize it like this. Destiny is a straight path of growth that we can choose to walk efficiently, or not. Sometimes we’ll meander off on tangents or even right off track, but the real law of attraction will always draw us back to give us another opportunity to live our innate fate:
“Destiny is the evolutionary path of our energy, which some people call the soul. However, there are an infinite amount of ways we can undertake that growth. That’s where freewill kicks in. Our choices can manifest our destiny in manifold ways, as they emit and attract their own energy within the electromagnetic and ether grids. Combined with our energetic blueprint and our subconscious wiring, as well as all the other minds of consciousness, we then co-create our reality.”
Furthermore, when somebody or some group are causing us harm, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s ‘meant to be’. It may well be true or fated on one level, or even all of them, but it also might be true it is a choice that is out of synchronisation with the energetic flow of our individual and/or collective destiny.

Ultimately, our choices have consequences that are meant to be, regardless if those choices aren’t meant to be.

6. Right and Wrong Behavior

Some spirituality advocates would have us believe there is no right or wrong, there just is. Well, on one level that might be true, but on another level it isn’t. Can you see the ‘many truths’ pattern emerging?

To continue with the previous example, our choices either align with our destiny or not. Some are right for ourselves or those around us in terms of whether they have a healthy and positive impact, and others are the opposite. Granted, sometimes we can make a so-called mistake but it leads us to a place where we can better heal, learn and grow; that’s obviously true for anyone who has properly analyzed their own experience. However, if you were to disrespect another person’s sovereignty when they weren’t causing you or someone else harm, then that is a contradiction to natural law and is therefore fundamentally wrong.

It can be done on subtle levels such as mild levels of control, or on highly explicit levels such as murder and rape. Either which way, the principle remains intact:
“Now of course on the level of oneness, there is no right and wrong. They are one and the same thing. But in our dualistic construct, called ‘being a human’, it definitely exists. For example, the golden rule is spot on when it comes to basic law. Do no harm to others, respect each others health and freedom, and live according to your own love, honor and truth. In this construct, that is right. Anything in contrast, is outrageously wrong.”

7. Face the Shadow

Let’s finish up on the ‘only be positive’ toxicity. It’s unreasonable to live and breathe like this because some experiences are inherently dissonant, meaning we need to face them for what they are. For example, if we’re being harmed by someone it’s okay to feel anger and disappointment and respond accordingly, just as is it’s okay to utilise the entire emotional spectrum, as that is what it is for. However, that doesn’t mean we should obsessively dwell in those natural emotions and allow them to develop into various levels of self-abuse, so when the feelings arise accept them for what they are and then engage a productive twist to transmute them into a positive result.

Then finally, let that shit go.

Moreover, the shadow and all its negative, dark or even evil aspects doesn’t just exist within; it exists without too. In fact, judging by the purposeful design of our social system and the widespread destruction and harm it has caused to not just humanity on a material level, but also a philosophical one too, we’ve been greatly out of balance for quite some time, maybe even since the dawn of our known civilized history.

And because we’ve been distracted by the new age propaganda of thinking everything is meant to be and that positive thinking will save the world, we’re revealing this darkness with our beacons of light only ever so slightly. Some even argue that we’re going further into the shadow, although that is certainly debatable. Regardless, we need to as individuals and as a human tribe openly expose the dark side of duality for all the world to see, so we can start to consciously and intelligently work towards some sort of harmonization as we continue to co-create our personal and collective futures.
Final Thoughts

It’s not only among spiritual circles that greater intellect is growing within the collective dialogue about our connection to reality. For example, there are many ex-mainstreamers who had previously fallen for the materialistic dogma who are now somewhat embracing consciousness as innate to reality itself. A ‘panpsychism’ philosophy has even slowly spread within mainstream scientific circles, even if they don’t go as far as the exploration can be taken, at least publicly.

Nevertheless, that’s a great sign.

Ultimately, there is a resurgence of radical realizations in which both rational and intuitive faculties are being utilized. Slowly but surely, we are reenchanting the world. It’s not just via consciousness models either; chaos magic, neoshamanism, animism and other spirit philosophies and practices are part of this ripening too.

In addition, regardless if we ever reach a level where we have the evidence required to truly understand the nature of reality, or even if we actually have the capacity to do so, it doesn’t really matter. As long as we’re heading in the right direction, which is the ‘many paths’ of truth and freedom, then we’re doing exactly what we should.

And what a ride it has, is and will continue to be.

About the Author

Phillip J. Watt is an author and presenter who lives on the Mid North Coast of NSW Australia. Phillip’s first book, ‘The Simulation‘, is a daring exposé of the human experience in the 21st Century. His written and film work has reached into the millions of people and deals with topics from ideology to society, as well as self-development. Follow him on Facebook, listen to his Podcast on SoundCloud or Itunes, watch his interviews at his YouTube Channel or visit his website Pushing the Tipping Point.

This article below was posted and presented by Miriam on July 26, 2017  on The Ark of the Covenant Website Chapter 4 Day 1 Happy New Year.

Yellow Crystal Seed Year

July 26, 2017 through July 25, 2018
Magnetic Moon of Purpose. Month One
Unify * Attract * Purpose

July 26, 2017, Planetary East, Malkut Sepheroth
Wednesday, Yellow Crystal Seed, Kin 64, Crown Chakra

Happy New Year!

I want to mention a point about the Dreamspell Mayan Calendar that has been a subject of controversy. In the Dreamspell, the Day out of Time includes throwing out the Glyph and the Tone. (If you have The New Mayan Calendar, follow it now. It’s easier to understand right now since we just made the New Year shift.)

In other words, the last day of the 2016/2017 was Monday, July 24, 2017, Day 28, White Planetary Wind, Kin 62.

On the Day out of Time, July 25, 2017, Kin 63, Blue Spectral Night, the Glyph AND the Tone (11), were thrown out.

This then brings up Yellow Crystal (12) Seed, Kin 64, as the first day of this New Year.

As a result of throwing out the glyph and the tone, we end up every year with only 4 glyphs of the 20, being possible to start the new year. The Red Glyph will be Moon, The White Glyph will be Wizard, the Blue Glyph will be Storm, and the Yellow Glyph will be Seed. All of the tones, 1-13, will spiral through, but we will have only 4 (of 20) glyphs represented.

We can see that if the next day, Blue Spectral Night had been included in the rotation, we would start rotating in Blue Night as well as Blue Storm, and eventually all 20 glyphs would be included. This is just one of the differences that has caused Mayan Time Keepers to invalidate each others’ calendars. And the similar outcome of such behaviors is like all the Protestants disagreeing on the right creed. The important part of Christianity is Lord Jesus Christ Messiah, not the creeds.

The important part of the Mayan Calendars is that they take us to the sacred Tzolkin, which puts us on the Sacred Spiral to the Source of all Life. The Gregorian Calendar with it’s uneven days of the month, and only twelve months, keeps us in the illusion of dark untruth. It will be amazing as Humanity awakens to the power that this insidious trick alone has had over our consciousness. Humanities awakening, is tied to the consciousness of Gaia herself returning also to Source.

Divine Human and Holy Love
I am including these 3 segments from chapters of Glenda Green’s book, “Love Without End”, to begin our New Year. Since Divine Love is the Glue of the Cosmos, spending time integrating its qualities into our bodies must be inspirational to all of us. This book, written in 1998, was my favorite book until Tau Malachi’s the Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas was published. Both are to me Mystical Wisdom from the Messiah.

Birth Trauma – Separation
“Love Without End”
Glenda Green

I and I AM.
I am returning again to the importance I feel about the Truth of including the ego and the body in our Human/Divine Being. We can call it Divine Ego, if we wish. To me, the Higher Self (Soul) lives in Da’at. The Higher Self in the journey home, is important because it gives us the knowing that we will always be an individual being. Even when we return to the Oneness of Keter, we will have our own identity.

This section of Jesus explaining the Birth Trauma/Separation for many people will give more understanding from another perspective. I have included chapter 19, I and I AM as a referral to this important fear. Our eagerness and joy in returning Home is included in this Gnosis of the Heart.

Click to read: I and I Am

Birth Trauma – Separation
“Love Without End” – Glenda Green
In the Chapter “Wondrous Universe”
Pages 67 and 68, First Edition

There are many therapies having to do with hypnotic regressions into past lives. Do they work, and are they of any value?

“It all depends on the honesty of those facilitating and receiving the remembrance. As to the value, that lies entirely in letting go, in releasing that which is no longer useful. Sincere and thorough forgiveness will accomplish the same thing.”

I followed that with a question which was more ‘loaded’ than I expected, “Is there anything forgotten in our collective past that we need to know about?”

“There is the original birth trauma which most people are still experiencing.”

“What’s a birth trauma,” I thought? Before I could get the words out, he was already addressing my question.

“There was a time before which you were, but there will never be a time after which you are not. There was a time when you were one and complete within the Source of Love. Love, however, decided to give you immortality as yourself and to grant you an identity of your own. It was a great and glorious gift that you were given, full of promise, opportunity, and responsibility. But the children of god, having no point of reference other than the simplicity of a common light, experienced it as shock and interpreted the gift of life as separation. Many deeply wounded themselves by viewing it as rejection.

“That was a tragic misconception, and many of the problems and pains that have been suffered by humanity are the result of this birth trauma. Some people can relate to this directly, because the trauma of physical birth also has left them with emotional scars of rejection and isolation. After years of dysfunctional relationships, recognition of the problem and correct therapy has often proven to be healing.

“How much more significant it will be when the soul recognizes its duress and awakens to its magnificent endowment.”

“What is preventing the realization?”

“People are torn between wanting to go Home and fearing the loss of personal identity and freedom…wanting to stay apart and fearing the perils of becoming lost. It must be realized that even though you are one with your Source, you will never be resorbed into collective anonymity. Having an individual place within the one spirit honors each person, and there will never be a time after which you are not.

“You have been given eternal life in your own name. When you are able to comprehend the grandeur of that gift, you will be able to experience your birth anew with ecstasy.

“You viewed it as separation the first time and have dramatized and structured it as separation ever since. Herein is man’s dependency upon structure and his obsession with it. For structure has become a substitute source of security. The great healing that is soon to take place on the earth will lift mankind above the trauma of his original birth, revealing the truth of his being, and establishing his place of honor within the wondrous universe.”

“Love Without End”

Glenda Green

This segment from “Love without End” once again helps us move from the duality of judgement into the union of discernment of the Middle Pillar of the Kabbalah. For me, learned knowing from my body sensations are the key for very deep discernment that I often need. I have spoken about this in Chapter 10 Reading the Senses of My Body.

“Love Without End” – Glenda Green
In the Chapter “Your Rights and Freedoms”,
page 285 and 286, First Edition.

“Love always seeks for betterment, for ways of making life more workable, joyful, whole, and beautiful. Love examines every option available to bring about an improvement in life. This kind of discernment is an act of decency, not an act of judgment. Rigid philosophies of judgment will seek to establish structure as a substitute for decency, control as a substitute for trust, and lower logic as a substitute for higher consciousness. Those who empower judgment in their lives generally live within dualistic formulas, where everything is labeled good or bad – usually bad. Judgment is a mockery of goodness and decency, for the sole intent of judgment is control. The worst thing about judgment is the deadly disease called irresponsibility. The most insidious intent of judgment is to assign control to those in a dominant position, and responsibility to those who are dominated. This is an unstable arrangement, for it is based on dishonesty. Eventually those in control will declare there to be no such thing as right and wrong, lest responsibility be forced upon them.”

His comment reminded me of some current popular philosophies which propose to undo the harm of judgment by simply declaring, “No right, no wrong.” I wanted to know if this was just a radical reaction to prior judgments or if such trends in thinking were part of the process of developing consciousness and greater tolerance.

“Although such ideas represent a relinquishing of judgment – and that is good – their naivetu is not up to dissipating a very toxic problem. It is a kind of superficial idealism that may be compared to closing down of a toxic mining operation, while leaving the mining shafts open for unsuspecting children to fall to their death. True resolution demands an understanding of the true problem. The problem developed as man left his innocent heart and transferred his higher intelligence to the mechanics of the mind. When humankind left its home, it entered the world of judgment and hardship. The mind is interested only in control, and has no interest in right and wrong for purposes of bringing decency to life. Only the heart cares about decency, and only the heart pursues it with earnest concern for the outcome of human endeavor. By returning to the heart you will find the direction of true growth, creation, production, and innocence. This was the story of Adam and Eve and the tree of knowledge of right and wrong. To gain more control over life, they chose the world of mind-centered judgment and left the garden of heart-centered innocence. Adam and Eve are merely representatives for all your ancestors who made that choice, who then created an involvement with sin by accepting and forwarding the powers of judgment. Now the consequences of judgment have to run full course until judgment self-consumes, and the error of judgment is universally exposed.

“Once you have conquered in yourself the tendency to separate and be separated, at last you will be able to apply wisdom to the process of discernment. Instead of harsh and daunting labels such as right and wrong, you may discern in terms of loving allowance and loving disallowance. Consider, for example, a rattlesnake. Could you allow it to live in the desert, where it may serve its place in nature, and yet disallow it to take up residence in your back yard? There is a time and place for all things, and discernment is the act of loving allowance or loving disallowance.

“The long era of judgment has been man’s darkest night, but that will end when the last judgment has been made. You can hasten that day by understanding that the last judgment will be the judgment against judgment itself. Human consciousness at last will rise in splendor like a valiant bridegroom to join his bride, the Sacred Heart. This is the Holy Wedding that has been the dream of prophets. Then there will be peace on earth. For now seek betterment of life in all the ways that are available to you. Enjoy every opportunity for positive change. Make the most of every day.

“Last of all, you have a right to your own beliefs. What you believe is your most sincere prayer.”

Everything became still, and for a while there was only silence. Then he gently uttered these poignant and simple words. “As a man loves, so he is. As he believes, so he becomes.

Sacred Heart
“Love Without End”

Glenda Green

This script was written in 1999, and revised in 2002. (Here are several editions. This may be in another chapter in some editions.) This is the best explanation of the heart I have ever read that is in line with Sophian Gnostic Christianity. It is foundational to the understanding of Divine Love.

Sacred Heart
“Love Without End” Glenda Green
In the Chapter “He Spoke”,
pages 33 – 37, First Edition.

“Infinity is not a subject limited to vast spaces – or even to immeasurably small ones. Infinity is not about quantity at all. It’s actually about quality. Let me tell you about your heart.”
This was early on, and was to be the cornerstone of much that he would teach me. “The heart I speak of is not the physical organ, although the physical organ is an appropriate instrument for the true heart, because the physical organ nourishes your body with life blood every moment. The heart I speak of is the central focus point of your very soul. It is the lens through which your soul integrates all of your earthly emotions and all of your divine awareness into a focused point of infinite possibility. This point is on the threshold of your physical existence, at a point slightly below and behind your physical heart.”
Then he said, “Locate it.”
When I did, it is as if my whole framework just vibrated and pulsed with energy. There was a sense of life within me, and it required no thought to move into that point. Simply focusing upon it and being aware if its existence was empowering.
“This is the source of power your Creator has established within you, not your mind. Your mind is merely a servant, and it behaves well if it is given positive impulses; it behaves very poorly if it is given negative impulses. The heart generates all of the earthly emotions as well as compassionate feeling from the higher realms. But it is so much more than just emotion. It is infinite awareness, and the basis of all the higher consciousness you will ever assimilate. It is from this power, within the center of your being, that the entire script of your life is written. Live in your heart to either fulfill the script of your life or to rewrite it. Not in your mind. Your mind is powerless to bring that about. But every desire of your heart will be fulfilled.”
He then mentioned something that seemed to be an historical event, although perhaps it was metaphorical. I don’t know, and perhaps it doesn’t matter. “There was a time when the heart was so distraught with life that it was spinning in upon itself, filling the mind with contradictions and chaos generated by the heart’s despair. The servant mind attempted mutiny over the master heart because the mind at least was logical, and life demanded no less than survival. The heart was losing command through its own reactive conflicts. Therefore, the mind felt completely justified in usurping or dominating what it perceived to be irrational. It set out to conquer the heart by generating its own reality. Within this self-created reality, the mind would present itself as the source of intelligence instead of the exquisite instrument of intelligence it was created to be.”
“At its best the mind is logical. In pursuit of logic it avoids incomprehensible circumstances or seeks to control them until they submit to some form of reason. From the viewpoint of the mind, control and understanding are one and the same. The mind assumes that it understands whatever it controls, and often in pursuing control it will simply invent some part of reality or fill in the blanks with what it considers to make sense. This is the nexus – the center of duress – in a mind-dominated person or world. It is the single most important reason to require that the mind serve as a tool for developing and applying intelligence and not be confused with its source. Most especially, it is important to realize that the mind is not who you are!”
He said today even as we speak, this inversion occurs in the lives of many people. “Usurping a troubled heart is not the answer. Substituting control for understanding will only deplete your life, leaving it stripped of richness, power and meaning. The answers to healing your life will be found in the inner strength of your heart. Only correct understanding will accomplish this, and that requires addressing the problem for what it really is.”
He suggested that I earnestly practice this every day. “I give your three practices: The first is to strengthen all of your positive emotions through daily gratitude and admiration. The second is to disempower your negative emotions daily through forgiveness. The third practice you will have to work at a little more diligently, but, Glenda, I think this will come easier for you than for some people, because you practice this already as an artist. What I’m referring to is innocent perception.”
What do you mean?
“OK, look out the window. Now look back at me and tell me immediately what you saw.”
“I saw five branches, and there were four birds on the wall. Also there were two little twigs on the window sill along with some bird droppings.”

“Good. That was innocent perception. You simply told me like a child what you saw. This is what children do so well. They just perceive and respond without pre-conception. This is what you did in your childhood, and you retained the ability a little better than some. Now, if the mind had answered me, the mind would probably have hesitated for just a moment while it gained control. Under the cover of hesitation, you would have blocked out what you saw, and then you might have reported to me something like this: ‘Well I think I saw twelve branches, six twigs, three birds and an empty window sill.’ Because the mind feels most comfortable within structure and logical progressions, it tends to impose artificial order.”
“In other words, your mind would have rewritten the script to ‘improve’ upon it or to match new perceptions to its own preconceptions. Thereby it would attempt its own designing and redesigning of what is. This is what the complex, sophisticated mind tends to do always. It looks for idealized patterns that it can impose on existence and then calls them divine. You do not have to do anything to make this universe divine. All you have to do is to perceive and then to regard with honor that which is already here. Behold, be grateful, and forgive that which you did not understand or control. For life is divine. It is perfect, and it naturally manifests the will of its Creator.”

Such a beautiful blessing of life made me feel like a child again, alive with expectation. At that moment, in his presence, everything glowed in the innocence of its native state. I could see how the mind, attempting to generate reality had performed a tyranny upon my life and our world.
There was one moment when he strongly reinforced a similar realization. “Logic is outwardly manifested as structural organization. Like the mind, structure is a wonderful instrument for bringing about orderly conduct of life, so long as structure does not have dominant and controlling authority. All of the oppressive structures which you experience in the world are from mind-generated concepts imposing structural perfection upon a natural and greater perfection that is already present but perhaps less controllable. Often the mind breaks things in order to fix them for a price or to bring about its own control. This includes breaking lives, breaking hearts, breaking souls, breaking relationships, and breaking wills, just to gain the upper hand through some invented or glorified structure, which it presents as ‘the answer.’
“In such a world, dominated by mind and oppressive structures, to make life more bearable, the heart became the willing servant. The heart’s reserve of compassion and intelligence were so great that it effectively compensated for all the loveless barriers and oppressive formulas that mind-generated realities had sanctioned. With such concessions by the heart, the inversion was then complete. In a world where the mind lead and the heart followed, the greater dignity of the heart was forgotten, locked behind a prison door, and forbidden the freedom of exit. In such a world the heart was considered to be feminine, adaptive and sentimental, a center of awareness which serves a person’s emotion and creative needs only…a ‘wife’ to the mind, but nothing more.”
He explained that this was the tragedy of our upside down world and that it was his gift and chosen task to come and restore the heart to its true power. “When the heart is in its rightful place, the mind then can be truly of service, and ironically it becomes both brilliant and blissful. In a rightful combination with the heart, there will be moments of genius irrespective of the mind’s educational level.”
“Like any instrument of service, the mind works best within established and limited parameters. One of the indelible characteristics of the mind is that it must have at least two points of fixed reference in order to be operable. Thus, it simply cannot deal with infinity. By comparison, the heart is centered on a viewpoint of infinity, and from this it draws its power to deal with life profoundly. When the mind serves the heart, anything is possible, although when the heart serves the mind there is perpetual limitation. Emotional energy will seethe and boil into restless liability.”