Chapter 6 Day 21 The Lady of Guadalupe

April 24, 2018, Planetary Center Point, Malkut Sepheroth
Tuesday, Yellow Spectral Warrior, Kin 76, Heart Chakra

In Tau Malachi and Elder Gideon’s new book “Gnosis of Guadalupe, a Mystical Path of the Mother,” on page 22 is the title “On the Timeless in Time.” The focus is about Sacred Stories in which Juan Diego and the Revelation of Our Lady of Guadalupe are revealed. Tau Malachi is writing about the power of sacred stories in the Old Testament, and New Testament, and other wisdom traditions. Tau Malachi sees mysticism as a new way of putting linear space time into the now moment. This can bring the eternal now into the story to transform our lives  today.  The stories become alive by imagining the event NOW as though we are living it in the moment. Imagining living the experience in the moment, can give us new insights into our own lives. He says the living power and presence, if we are open to the energy, can help us embody these stories as if they were new.

In my website I have sections of storytelling that our Pink Flamingo Clown Troupe facilitated. I have been noticing on the websites the myriad leaders who are creating venues for us to share our own stories, thus creating magical experiences in our own lives.

This was the first time I had thought of taking ancient scriptures and stories and imagining we are living them as we hear them. I imagine the ancient Vedic stories would be rich in helping our lives. My older sister talked about them, but I have not studied them.  The richness of humanity is recreated by the sharing of these experiences.

One time I was in a group where the leader was having us go back and experience Moses leading the Israelites into the Red Sea. I felt the whole scenario as though it were happening right then. I can still remember how real it was including my whole body and all my senses. I was amazed to realize, at least for myself, that the leaders went into the water before it parted. In my childhood understandings of that story, I always saw Moses standing at the shore and lifting up his staff, the waters parting, and the children of Israel walking between the walls of water with great faith.

However, this was a wake-up call for me when I experienced the Israelite’s walking into the water first and because of their faith the Lord parted their safe passage through the water. This would be the only experience I can recall right now of experiencing an ancient story in the present moment in time and learning a new lesson from it.

This book, “Gnosis of Guadalupe,” seems to be opening in a similar way new experiences for the Diving Feminine, upon examining an older story. Now is the time of the Road to Emmaus (the 40 days from Jesus’ Resurrection to his Ascension). This is my favorite time in the life of Jesus. Back home there was a group that met and imagined they were walking together on the 40 days from Easter morning until the Ascension of Lord Jesus. I always felt this would be such a wonderful experience to imagine you were on the road today with a group of followers, experiencing in the present time, what that journey would be.

This year that imagination seems to have been awakened by the richness of this book and the new information about the Divine Feminine. I have been imagining the Lady of Guadalupe leading a group of women followers on the Road to Emmaus this year and how it seems to be awakening both men and women to the Divinity of Humanity. I see them on the road wearing very bright designs of flowers and nature on their robes and shirts. It feels like the group is walking into the experience of the original Garden of Eden. This ancient experience must be reachable way back in our memories. I feel this book helping us access our long ago creation as Divinely Human Beings.

Today I woke up on the 21st day of the 10th month, the Planetary Moon of Manifestation, of the Dreamspell Calendar. The 21st day is the day that we come from the north of Keter Sepheroth clear down to the center of Malkut to ascend one more time this month to the North Pole, or the New Space I’m calling Crown Jewel. The fact that the 10th month is the Moon of Manifestation seems very important. We have spent 20 days on each of the four directions of the five Sepheroths.

Today we came from the Cosmic Medicine Wheel or Keter Sepheroth down to the Center of the Planetary Medicine Wheel or Malkut Septheroth. For the next six days we will be traveling up the Center with the manifestations that have appeared this month of the Divine Mother, the flowers, the fragrance and the grace of the Divine Feminine. Somehow this year seems very special and humanity seems ready to embrace our true origins of Supernal Life. We seem to be beginning to embody our originally created selves as true Brothers and Sisters of the Christos, Lord Jesus and Lady Mary. The Lady Of Guadalupe’s Richness is helping us.