Chapter 7 Day 19 Pentecost 2018

May 20, 2018, Cosmic West, Keter Sepheroth
Sunday, White Spectral Wind, Kin 102, Throat Chakra

img Trinity Flame

Trinity Flame with Labels

Today is Pentecost 2018. 50 Days after Easter; 10 days after Our Lord’s Ascension. This is the Day Jesus promised that God would send the Holy Spirit to fill His followers, which would give them the powers to do the works that He had done, and even greater BECAUSE HE WENT TO THE FATHER! And so it was that His Followers were filled with Tongues of Fire that came upon them from God.

According to many spiritual prophets and teachers we are again receiving even more powerful spiritual energies today. The crystalline children who are being born now, are wonderfully inspiring as to where we Humans are heading. We elders are the bridges that these beautiful children have been able to enter over, so we all have reason to be joyful for our work in bringing Paradise to Earth.

Now, today, over 2,000 thousand years later, we have end time energies coming down from on high to allow us to return home to our Source, God, Creator. They are identified in different ways. I have written about the God Particles that scientists confirmed, and I felt beginning to pour in after January 6, 2012. Then I felt the Messiah’s Mist start coming in on December 1, 2016. All together I named them NewClear Fire which I have written about. There are many descriptions and names of these new energies.

The 3 Elements of the NewClear Fire:

One. The Holy Spirit

Tube Torus Diagram

The Holy Spirit came in after Jesus’ Ascension. Because Jesus returned to His Father, God sent the Holy Spirit down to earth to fill the Disciples and followers of the Ascended Christ. Jesus told His followers as His Last words that God would send the Holy Spirit to them, so they could do the works that He did. Pentecost was 50 days after the Resurrection of Jesus. This year Pentecost will be on Sunday, June 4, 2017.

The Yellow on the diagram represents the Holy Spirit.

Two. The God Particles

The God Particles were partially here when Jesus left earth, I think. What is significant to our work is that the God Particles from Keter and Da’at were blocked from coming down by a mirror. This mirror kept reverberating the Illusion of reality over and over, keeping Divine Power, Wisdom, and Presence from coming down. Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence.

This mirror was busted on January 6, 2012, almost a year before the Winter Solstice of 2012. The Mayan Calendar said the Winter Solstice of 2012 would be the end of the old and the beginning of the New World. However, it seems that these God Particles did not really get to earth with enormous power until December 1st, of 2016. Scientists announced their discovery on TV, Dec. 13, 2011. The U.S.A. announced it on July 4th, 2012 when it was recorded in newspapers.

I have represented the God Particles in the Tube Torus Diagram, with different colored circles. The Tube Torus Diagram is pictured above in the Holy Spirit section.

Three. Messiah Mist

Miri and I are now calling the New Energy of 12/1/16 Messiah Mist. It first came in with 64 qualities, and eventually totaled 84. (Click here to Read the 84 Energies.)In the Ark and the Canoe, Section 3, of the 6th month of the Mayan calendar we meditated on each one for a whole month. This new energy had never been here before, and many new age channels reported on different aspects of it. It was widely recognized from many sources. We have included this new Energy in our studies since December 1st, 2016.

In the tube torus diagram, I have represented the Messiah Mist with tiny gold Dots.

Trinity Flame

Suddenly, on April 23, 2017; the 20th Day of the 10th Month of the Mayan Calendar, the New Time Line came in. Then came this NewClear Trinity Flame on April 30, 2017; the 27th Day of the 10th Month. As I drew the picture of the Trinity Flame, I knew that was the final day of the Ark and the Canoe section. Something huge had completed and something even larger had already landed.

Thus, I was guided to write my home page of Shalom, and begin this journey with you in the Ark of the Covenant. We started this 11th Month on Day 1, and now today is May 15th, the 14th Day of the 11th Month of this Mayan Calendar Year. There are 13 Months.

It is with this knowledge that we begin to experience our Transfiguration, our Resurrection, and our Ascension, with the Messiah. With much love and gratitude to all the Divine Light. Love, Life, Laughter, and Liberty that lives as us, in us, with us, through us, for us, and surrounds us!!! We are on a grand adventure together!!!

The Verse in St. Thomas *** is the powerful one that Jesus could share only with the Disciple Thomas. Then, of course was His demonstration of the Transfiguration to Peter, James and John. Moses, and Elijah, joined Jesus in the event. Matthew 17. We are very fortunate to have these powerful energies to integrate in and around us in these end times as we return to the Source and understanding of our Divinity.

I am including Rev. Absurd’s adventure on a Pentecost Sunday to the Historic Christ Church in Alexandria, Va. This is the Episcopal Church that George Washington attended.

Read:”Experiencing One” – I AM ONE WITH EVERYTHING