Chapter 9 Day 16 Difficult Path

July 12, 2018, Galactic MW North, Tiferet Sepheroth
Thursday, Blue Crystal Eagle, Kin 155, Root Chakra

(Note, this is the last of 10 Cosmic Activation Portals which started on Tuesday, July 3rd. Did you have some exceptionally important experiences during these 10 days?)

Return of The DIVINE SOPHIA by Tricia McCannon
The Journey, Page 56

“Shasta assumed a cryptic expression. ‘All priests and priestesses developed some kind of healing ability. This is a natural attribute of women. We are by nature life givers and nurturers because the Divine Mother lives within us.’ I wonder then if she was speaking of something hidden within our genetics or merely a principal, but before I could ask, Shasta went on. ‘The Cosmic Mother has been revered in cultures around the world long before the patriarchal Gods were even born, Tricia. This is because each human being’s biological origin is always female before it becomes male.’

‘What?’ I raised my eyes in astonishment. What was she saying?

‘Look it up. I’ll show you the references.’

‘Biology has confirmed that every living creature begins as a female. All mammals are biologically female first. Becoming a male is an added hormonal development.’

My mind reeled in disbelief, how was this possible? This is the exact opposite of what we have been taught in the Bible! In fact, this was one of men’s great claims to superiority – that they have been created first! Judeo-Christian theology teaches that Adam was created first in the image of God, and that Eve was taken from Adams rib, almost like an afterthought. This is one of the many justifications that the male-dominated church has used for centuries to make women feel that they were inferior, and created just to do a man’s bidding. If science actually reveals that we all begin as biologically female, then the patriarchal religions have been lying all along. They have completely subverted the natural order. What they told us was fabrication designed to manipulate women for their own political purposes! How could this theology continue to be taught if it contradicted a biological fact?