Chapter 8 Day 1 Building Foundations

Month 12 Crystal Moon of Cooperation
Dedicate * Universalize * Cooperation

May 30, 2018, Malkut Sepheroth, Planetary East
Wednesday, Yellow Galactic Human, Kin 112, Crown Chakra

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

——————– ———–Henry David Thoreau

I saw this quote in April, and I saved it. On December 29th, 2017, I began to experience a whole new paradigm of support coming in from above. Since I follow the Mayan Sacred Time, “Tzolkin”, that day for me was the Sixth Month of the Year, the Rhythmic Moon Of Equality: Organize*Balance*Equality. The 17th Day Of the Month, the East Of the Cosmic MW and Keter Sepheroth.

I saw the Temples, Cathedrals and Palaces Of the Ascended Masters coming clear down to planet earth and extending down to the crystalline core of the planet earth. They grounded in the South Pole or Crystalline Core Of the Reconstructed Kabbalah. Each extension of the Sacred Mansions were in the colors of the formerly established Rays. Many new colors and corresponding mansions had been established since the older channeling of these abodes.

There are several authors that have information about the Ascended masters. For me, the original Green “I Am” Books Of St. Germaine are not up to date. There are teachings of the Ascended Masters by the Prophets, Mark and Clair. More recent books like the “Seven Sacred Flames Books” and others like the “Gnosis” . Of course now, there are all kinds of current channelings about these Ascended Masters and the colors of the rays they represent on various Websites.

I had not followed these Ascended Masters recently because I thought the purpose of them was to establish ones own relationship with the Masters. It turns out that many, maybe most of the Ascended Masters correspond to the Saints in the Catholic Church Teachings. The Archangels and Angels correspond to the Hebrew Teachings, also. In my experience, all these sacred teachings intertwine and unify in a glorious yet personally unified field according to ones Spiritual Mission here.

Thus it was that I was expecting smooth sailing this Gregorian Calendar Year Of 2018. However, instead, I was shocked to experience something like the Engine of the Divine Plan bringing in our inheritance, suddenly slamming its breaks on, or running into an unseen wall, causing all the cars of abundance of all kinds, to come slamming into each other, and spill out all over the landscape! The blessings were stopped in their tracks, and could not reach the deserving faithful ones, once again. As powerful as the eruptions of the volcano in Hawaii today, these blessings were hijacked again by January 29th, 2018.

I had always thought that the Sacred Abodes in the Sky were John 14:2,

“In my Fathers House there are many Mansions.  If this were not true I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, so that where I Am, you may be also.” (KJV)

The Lord had prophesied these mansions, and I saw them landing. They had the interior steps of “Jacobs Ladder”. The Angels of God we’re moving Sacred Energy, Nuclear Fire Of the Holy Spirit, the God Particles, and the Messiah’s Mist up and down the ladder for all of His/Her Faithful One’s in the End Time Promises Of our Inheritance. We are learning how to integrate these sacred energies into ourselves for our Ascension.

It has taken me almost 5 months to begin to feel I’m making progress and beginning to integrate these energies again. I will be attempting to communicate some of my experiences of how I have tried to pick up the pieces once again. And of how I am hoping to build foundations under the temples that were “built in the air” as in the quote by Henry David Thoreau.

I surely don’t feel I’m alone in feeling I’ve had to start all over again. I, however am not claiming to have built these mansions. Oh, no!!! To me, the Messiah prophesied these Mansions. He went to prepare those for us!!! His Faithful!!! That’s us!!! We are loved dearly by Him. He and His Beloved came to bring us home, and we are going to be triumphant! Source, God, Creator, have won this battle of millions of years. We are the Beloved Embodied Beings, the Ground Crew, that allows the Sacred return of our Holy Creation to Paradise.

I am allowing the necessary answers and solutions to come to me in their own way, and their own timing. I can not force any answers in ANY WAY! I have to allow the wisdom to come to me, knowing that Omniscience Itself is it’s own Wisdom. I need to receive it. I want to Learn to be a 100% receiver.

This is a quality that I understand as Ain Soph in the Sophian Gnostic teachings that Jesus taught, which I believe are the true teachings of our Lord and Lady. A lesson in BEING. Living in the Divine Mystery, the Divine Feminine, the Great Silence, Ain Soph. The Creative life energy even before Creation was.